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1 b What is Anthropology

Page history last edited by Josh Cohen 11 years ago


In teams of two, answer these questions.   Give a web citation for each answer and make sure to bookmark your source into your diigo library (not the class group).  Check out the links in the sidebar for help finding resources.  You can also find resources on the wiki.  Create a Google presentation for your answers and share the link on this page in the table below the questions.


1.  If your friends asked you what anthropology is, how would you answer? (You must include a definition and adjectives that describe the discipline.)


2.  What are the broad fields of study in anthropology? What are the sub-disciplines?


3.  What are the types of places you might find an anthropologist at work?


4.  What research methods does the anthropologist use?


5.  What does a paleontologist study?


6.  Who are the world's most famous paleontologist?


7.  What does an archeologist study?


8.  Name a world famous archeologist and what did he discover? (Who is the famous Hollywood anthropologist?)


9.  Why does anthropology matter?


10.  Why would teens be interested in anthropology?


Jonah Eisenberg & Josh Cohen  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rO0l-oNHcPMuc-RpNWRubQxRNHaeg8-WRZ5qRyhJ9fY/edit#slide=id.p 
Brandon Sigal & Tyler David  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kJDSl7UpBjPa-VOXWvzXpB94FDY0LWnSP565UlrYT9g/edit#slide=id.p 



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