
Course Evaluation Plan

Page history last edited by Daryl 11 years, 4 months ago

Evaluation Plan Anthropology/Sociology


Semester 1 – 2013


Competency #1

Term  1 (40%)

Term  2 (60%)

1.  The student will become familiar with the theories of human origins and social institutions.


A. Teacher for a Day – 50%

B. Debate-Conversation  20%

A. Formal Term Paper – 50%

B. Debate Conversation 20%

Competency #2

Term  1 (40%)

Term 2 (60%)

2.  Demonstrate an ability to pursue and maintain self-directed learning activities related to the field of anthropology & sociology


C.  Diigo bookmarking – 15%

D.  Proof of preparation for debate 15%

C.  Diigo bookmarking – 15%

D.  Blogging – 15%


Competency 1: Knowing the material


A.  Teacher for a Day – 50% Students will be assigned materials (documentary/podcast) relative to topics covered in class and are responsible for presenting a summary of the resources to the class.  Presentations will be approximately 10 minutes and will include some visual media.  

This assignment includes an outline (10%), a bibliography (5%), and the project itself (35%).  The project may be presented ‘live’ in class or may be recorded and uploaded to the class wiki.  

Term projects may be presented in a multi-media format or as a traditional term paper.  Both options will include a bibliography, an outline and evidence of revision and concept building.  


B.  Discussion - Debate - Students will demonstrate their learning of the class material by engaging in a discussion/debate.  The question/topic is chosen by the teacher. 


Competency 2: Independent Learning


C.  Diigo bookmarking 15%  Students are expected to show evidence of bookmarking sources to their  Diigo library on a regular basis.  Each bookmark should have tags, site summaries and annotations on the website.  (The minimum number of bookmarks is to be determined.) 


D.  Preparation for the discussion/debate:  the student will demonstrate preparation for the discussion by maintaining notes that are shared with the teacher. 15%  



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