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Tools for your Presentations

Page history last edited by Daryl 11 years ago


Tools for  your Presentations


Live presentations


1.  Project your screen onto the board but make sure that whatever presentation platform you use has either been shared with me or is on the wiki.


2.  The audio from the live presentation will be recorded with the Livescribe pen.


3.  Use Powerpoint but make sure to upload it to slideshare.net to get the embed code so it can go on the wiki.


4.  Use Keynote but you’ll have to convert it to powerpoint and then upload to slideshare to put it on the wiki.


5.  Use Google presentations and it gives an embed code AND all updates to the presentation will sync with the embedded presentations.


Recorded presentations


6.  Use Jing It is free and will give you 5 minutes.  They offer good training videos and it works with both MAC and Windows.


7.  Use Screenr.com for 5 minute videos.  It is also free and you get an embed code. It runs in the browser so you have nothing to download.


8.  Use Meograph for 4 dimensional storytelling.  Google maps act as a background layer and you can select sections of a YouTube video, add pictures (export ppt slides as a jpeg for pics) and add a 20 second narration.  You get an embed code to put it on the wiki.


9.  Record your screen with Screen-cast-O-matic.  It’s free and you get more than 5 minutes.  For a few dollars (7$?) you can upgrade to a version that allows editing and picture-in-picture capability.  


10.  http://www.ezvid.com/ will do what the others do AND allow you to edit, draw on the screen, split screens, use speed control, import other media formats and quickly upload to YouTube.  I have not used it yet but it seems promising.



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